Perspective 7 (Improved for Web).jpg





An amazing device of movement, time, and dimension, the flatbed photo-scanner is inherently a subset of modern camera technology, and should be used for far more than just archival documentation purposes. Ben’s photo-scanographic work has earned him gallery shows and exhibitions along the East Coast, most recently at the Big Red Barn in Waitsfield, VT (2023).


Process : A golden flower, moved across the flatbed.

Process : A painted hand pressed to the flatbed, with differing amounts of pressure applied over time.

Process : A rolling yellow ceramic cup painted by the Arizona Navajo tribe.

Process : Two flowers, placed inside circuit boxes, scanned upon cloth.

Process : Vinyl butterfly stickers, with reflective backings, scanned upon grooved cloth in a plastic frame.

Process : Composite scan, of a dragged flower.

Process : Portrait, subject placing hair upon flatbed.

Process : Part of a growing series about time & video— a scan of a music video played on a computer screen.

Process : A synthesizer keyboard, shuffled around the flatbed frame. Red color added in post.

Process : multicolored fabric with a piece of fogged glass placed upon flatbed.

Process : Part of a growing series about time & video— a scan of a music video played on a computer screen.

Process : Subject’s face carefully rolling across flatbed, in time with scanner light.

Process : Sunglasses being dragged across a 2003 Canon scanner flatbed, natural distortion.

Process : Portrait, face laid upon sunglasses and chain (placed on flatbed first) with checker-print wrap.

Process : Thread-weave headband, stuffed in a fogged-glass cup, scanned upon black velvet.

Process : Found object collage, mild movement manipulation.

Process : An LED light aimed at the scanner light, dragged across flatbed. The resulting distortion is a collection of negative values that the scanner technology is incapable of registering.

Process : Composite, the solarized inverse of a red cabbage dragged across flatbed, red added in post.

Process : Vinyl butterfly stickers, dragged across the flatbed, scanned upon lace fabric.

Process : A red napkin dragged across flatbed, with a sporadic flashlight peeking through the napkin fabrics.

Process : Portrait: two facial profiles of two separate individuals, mapped and timed to compose one figure.

Process: Composite portrait, carefully measured to match composition.

Process : Portrait, subject placed face on flatbed and blinked excessively.

Process : Composite scan, of a rolling yellow ceramic cup painted by the Arizona Navajo tribe.

Process : Part of a growing series about time & video— a scan of a music video played on a computer screen.

Process : Composite, inversion of paper snowflakes being dragged across flatbed.

Process : A rolling yellow ceramic cup painted by the Arizona Navajo tribe.

Process : A thread-weave headband, scanned upon checker-print.

Process : Composite, digitally altered scan of colored pencils and a paper frame.

Process : Composite, vinyl butterfly stickers, distorted through movement upon lined cloth, red added in post.

Process : A rolling yellow ceramic cup painted by the Arizona Navajo tribe, reds + oranges added in post.

Process : Assorted fake flowers dragged across flatbed.

Process : An iridescent brake light, reflecting the scanner LED, dragged across the flatbed.

Process : Saran Wrap scanned upon black surface.

Process : Metal beads and movement distortion, scanned upon black backdrop.